miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

The Blak Mountain

The Black Mountain is a massif muntanya located a limb south-west of the Massif Central, Estate France, irepresents the boundary línia dels Tarn department, l'ERAU i the de l'Aude. 


The K2 is known as the Savage Mountain because of the difficulty of climbing and being the second in percentage of fatalities among the "eight thousand" for those who climb. For four people who have reached the summit, one has died trying. [3] Unlike the Annapurna, the mountain with the highest percentage of fatalities, the K2 has never been climbed in winter.


Mont Evrest is the tallest montain on the world is located in the Himalaya in Asia.
In Nepal is called (the front of  the sky) and China (the mother of universe).
The was named Mont Everest after Sir George in 1815.

Styles of montains

There are montains of tectonic styles of fols and fauls mixed Germanic, Alpine Jurasic and volcanic

As make de montains

The montains are formed where two litosphesric plates collide and clim up on a very slow process

The mountains discripcion

Montain is an elevation above 700 meters with respect to its base, ie natural elevation of the land.
the montains are grouped, with the exepcions of the volcanoes, montains or hils.

Im Pere

Hi im Pere 6thb a have 11 years old.
 I make this blog to information of the mountains .
First: I went to blogger's page.
Next:I put the name of this blog.
Then:I choose the appearance to the blog.
Finally:I began to write .